Professional Equipment to Get the Maximum from Your Rendering Software

Rendering is a process in which a software generates a photorealistic or non-photorealistic model – regardless if it's a 3D or a 2D model. The method of rendering requires either a good CPU or a solid GPU, hardware-wise.

There are two types of rendering – real-time and pre-rendering. Real-time rendering implies that the images must be created rapidly in succession while pre-rendering uses renders created beforehand.

There are many things you can do to improve your rendering and many pieces of equipment that impact the process significantly. Some of the solutions are free, some may cost you, but none are useless.

What Does Rendering Require?

You should know what your computer actually requires to render a file. Considering that rendering is not an easy task for your hardware, we'll start with computer components that rendering needs most.

We mentioned before there are two types of rendering. Real-time rendering is used in all sorts of interactive graphics, such as in video games. That means the system rapidly calculates the 3D images to develop a scene-like experience.

Pre-rendering is a technique used in a field where the time that an action takes is not crucial to the production – such as in movie animations. Pre-rendering instead uses the computer processor than the graphic card to calculate the images.

In short, the process of rendering can be done through your GPU or your CPU. While most graphical procedures are best left to the GPU, the CPU does have its role in the rendering process. The CPU is the default option more often than not.

Cooling And Cleaning Your Components

Your rendering software is only going to run as smoothly as your computer hardware. As your computer hardware tends to get a little dirty if you don't have a habit of cleaning it, you need to resolve the issue as swiftly as possible. Dirty computer components tend to overheat, which will significantly shorten their lifespan.

Clean your computer as often as it is needed. If you're not sure how to clean your computer, there are dozens of tutorials on the topic available on the internet.

●        Make sure your computer is as cooled as much as possible. Placing it on the surface where it's not in direct contact with the sun is preferred.

●        Avoid leaving it turned on when you're not using it. Although the electricity flows through your computer continuously, it's less oppressing when shut down.

●        Your software runs smooth as much as your hardware is preserved. You must keep your components in the PC cooled, so investing in a good cooler or few of them is never a bad idea.

Some hardware is prone to overheating even when clean. This is why you need to invest in a suitable cooling solution for your PC. Investing in a good cooler or a few of them is never a bad idea.

Invest in a Good Cooler for your PC

There are two main ways of cooling hardware, fan coolers, and liquid-based coolers. We're going to dedicate a paragraph to both of them.

Fans are an excellent solution for cooling high heat components, such as your CPU. They're often combined with heatsinks to make sure that most of the heat is taken out of the parts.

Better air cooler requires more space and possibly produces more noises, yet in return, you get excellent component longevity and a faster-working PC.

Liquid Cooling Solution for your PC

Perhaps it seems a little unsafe to have liquid near sensitive electronics. If you have any doubts about liquid cooling, you're in for a thrilling definition.

Liquid or water cooling works similarly to the engine cooling system in your car. The liquid cooler is based on staple thermodynamic laws, meaning that the heat is drawn out from the components into the water.

The water is then passed through a radiator, effectively drawing the heat out of it, and pushing cold water back into the system.

That means the heat produced by hardware components transfers to the cold liquid in the cooler, which is then transferred to the radiator and then forced out by the fan.

Optimizing Your Software and Hardware

If rendering is part of your profession, it's suggestible to have a rendering only device. Dedicating your PC to rendering will enable you to get the most out of it, simply because it won't be loaded with unnecessary stuff.

Beyond that, you can treat yourself with an external drive dedicated to your video files and renders. No matter how much storage space your computer has, if you work in the movie or any industry that demands a lot of footage, you will always need more.

Optimize your software to the best of its ability

We have several tips for you when it comes to optimizing your software.

It doesn't matter what program you are using, they more or less all have standard optimization options. It all depends on your intentions with the software you chose. The sheer amount of options offered by any professional rendering software is, in these times, uncountable.

Make sure to personalize it as much as possible, as your rendering software should complement your work and work for you instead of the other way around.

Consider investing in a higher-end rendering software

Professional rendering software is a highly suggestible option if you're looking to work professionally in this field, and can afford it.

You will be overwhelmed by work, and as time passes, you will need better tools for the job, so why would you wait?

Although it may seem like a hefty investment, take into account the benefits you're going to get from them. The professional career that good software enables will pay the program off tenfold.

●        A professional rendering software will offer faster rendering.

●        It will allow for more options when it comes to optimizing and pre-editing.

●        Far easier rendering – which means relieving your computer of unnecessary pressure.

●        Better editing options and more natural control over the program.

You want to render via your GPU instead of your CPU

In most of the cases, your PC is programmed to render through your CPU. Using your GPU is far more advisable than using your CPU. As we stated before, they are commonly used for different purposes but keep the following in mind.

●        GPU uses less power, considering its only task is taking care of the graphics on your computer, while the CPU takes care of everything else.

●        GPU executes a considerable amount of data, providing much faster results, and leaving more time for editing, checking, and more rendering.

●        CPU rendering will take much longer, yet the product will be far more realistic. That’s why it's often recommended for highly functional architecture or film making animations.

●        Considering that every new GPU generation makes the last one seem outdated, it's only a matter of time before GPU rendering becomes the golden standard.  


There are many ways to improve your rendering software. Some of them might be expensive, but all of the solutions provided above are going to help you in some way.

If you want your rendering to run smoothly, make sure that your hardware and software are up to par. Keep all the above in mind, and you're bound to change your rendering experience completely.