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If there is anything architecture firms struggle with that is project pitching. Getting investors interested to the point when they actually want to give you their hard-earned money and support your project is a tricky business. You have to consider all the options available for you to stand out from the competition and play the right hand.

Sometimes whiteboards, presentations, and the 3D physical model are not going to be enough to cut it. Today we are going to explore architectural visualization as one of the opportunities you have. Let’s see how it can make project pitching easier and put you in a position to get more investors interested in your designs.

Move Though the 3D Exterior

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then 3D renders of your design are worth a novel. Quite often, the investors are worried about how the building’s exterior will look like. And, more importantly, how it will fit in the surrounding area. Presenting them with sketches or even with a physical 3D model won't be enough for them to experience the exterior to the fullest.

3D architectural renders really shine in this department. You will be able to incorporate all the surrounding structures into your designs, including buildings, trees, lawns, benches, and so on.

The clients will be able to take a take a virtual walk and see what the building will look like once it is finished, and how it will make the entire area look more engaging and beautiful.

Experience the Interior from Natural Perspective

When it comes to the interior of your architectural designs, you are very limited in choosing the methods of showing it to your investors. A 3D physical model that can have its parts removed or sketches of the interior are all viable ways to do it. But the question is: “Will it be enough to make your investors give you a green light?”

Architectural visualization can help you with this as well. Since you can have an entire building’s interior rendered at a time, you can take your investors on a virtual tour of the building.

Let them experience it from a natural perspective and see for themselves how it feels to walk the hallways and rooms of your design. This is an efficient way to show them that your design is worth their money.

Delight Investors with Details

The details in your architectural designs can help you complete the experience and tell a story to the viewers. The sketches and models are very restrictive in this case. Putting details in the models may overcrowd them and make them appear messy and overstuffed. You can play with sketches, though, but it will require you to spend a copious amount of time doing so.

Architectural visualization is a real savior here. You can incorporate all the details you want and do it fast as well. Whether it is the furniture, lighting, plants, tapestry, wall textures, or colors, you will be able to add it to your design. This is a great way to show your design in its full light and delight the investors, making their decision an easy one.

Generate Breathtaking Panoramic Views

Presenting the clients with panoramic views by using any of the old school methods is borderline impossible. And there are clients who specifically demand to see the building in the environment. For instance, they might ask to see how it sits adjacent to the local river, hill, neighborhood behind it, and so on. Failing to deliver this will cost you precious projects.

But, on the other hand,  if you decide to use 3D software for architectural firms, you will be able to generate realistic panoramic views of your building from whichever angle you want. A visualization of a panoramic view is great, as it allows the investors to take a look at the building from whatever height they want to.

Prove That the Demands Are Met

Many investors closely cooperate with potential developers as well. In many instances, a developer representative may be present when you are pitching your project to make sure that your design is realistic to the point that it can easily be brought to life. On top of that, there are specific demands and conditions investors might require before they can greenlight your project.

With software that makes architectural visualization possible you will be able to deliver renders and get instant approval. If investors want to check a specific thing, you can take them directly to your solution in a matter of seconds.

Make Changes in Time

Very rarely do investors say “great job” when you pitch a project. More often you will have to answer dozens of questions and make adjustments they want you to. Answering the questions is easy, but making changes is really hard, especially if you have access to limited assets and resources. This is where architectural visualization can really help you.

First of all, it will help you completely showcase your project to investors so that they can identify the things they would like to see changed. And secondly, you will be able to make those changes very quickly via appropriate software and send them new renders. This means that they won’t have to make room for you in their busy schedule to get the things they asked for.

Build an Overwhelming Portfolio

If you choose to use 3D rendering software for your projects, you will eventually build a large portfolio of designs which you can use as marketing material. You can share it on your official website and social media platforms. Doing things in this fashion will also help you build a reputation of a trustworthy firm that puts the requests of the investors and clients first, and complies to them in very short notice.

As you can see, architectural visualization can help you a lot in terms of pitching your project to investors. You can take them on virtual tours, present them with landscape renders, incorporate details in your designs, and make all the necessary changes efficiently.