8 Reasons Why 3D Rendering Marketing is Experiencing Amazing Growth

3D rendering market has been growing exponentially, especially during the last couple of years. The value of 3D rendering market in 2018 was $1.5 billion.

According to a 2019 Global Market Insight Inc. report, it is going to rise to over $6 billion by 2025. While 3D rendering services have found many use cases, a lot of this growth can be attributed to 3D rendering marketing.

3D rendering has found a use case in marketing as well. Both 3D rendering software and 3D rendering services have become affordable as of the last couple of years.

Marketers have decided to leverage the power of 3D rendering marketing to achieve better results. After thorough research, we have found several reasons that stand behind this trend.

3D Rendering Leads to Better Customer Satisfaction

There are many misleading ads out there, especially the ones that feature images. Selling products and services that are not even remotely close to the ad leads to angry customers.

This practice stirs business away from repeat purchases and dooms its success on the market. With 3D rendering marketing, the chances of going through the same line of events are zero. 3D rendering marketing uses 3D renders that depict the product as it will be when it gets to the customers.

Whether it’s a product on one of the crowdfunding websites or architectural rendering, customers and clients will get exactly what they see on an ad. That’s why 3D rendering marketing ensures high levels of customer satisfaction.

High Quality of 3D Renders

Modern 3D rendering software can generate high-quality 3D renders. This is very important, as the marketing has to go along with other technologies accessible to the consumers.

With high-resolution smartphones, TVs, and AMOLED display each pixel matters. The bar is way above where it used to just a few years ago in terms of resolution.

Thanks to 3D rendering software’s capacity to generate high-quality images, marketing experts can now use them for commercials on big TV screens, as well on high-quality mobile displays.

Without having to sacrifice any of the quality and nailing pixel-perfect scaling, 3D renders continue to entice consumers across the globe.

It Is as Immersive as Possible

2D media has its limits when it comes to capturing 100% of potential customers’ attention. Even if creative designers add sound and animation, it still cannot fully immerse the audience. And this is what 3D rendering marketing can do. Maybe this is one of the main reasons for its exponential growth.

Let’s take a look from the would-be buyer’s point of view. If you were the one to pay serious cash for something, basing your decision solely on drawings and sketches, what would your choice be? Now imagine if you could see that object rotate in front of you, or to see all its parts.

Immersion also plays a vital role in real estate marketing. Thanks to 3D rendering marketing clients can take walkthroughs and experience the buildings firsthand, even before the project is greenlighted.

Customers Can See What They Are Paying For

Modern customers and clients want to see what they are paying for, especially when buying products online or having to invest in a building complex project. Sketches and drawings are unable to communicate the value of a product like 3D renders can.

3D rendering is that last piece of the “get your customers to trust you” puzzle.

WIth 3D renders, companies can highlight the critical aspects of the design, showcase material quality, and texture to communicate the quality of the product or design to the customers. Customers can see what they are paying for and can base their purchasing decision on facts.

It Helps Companies Stand out from the Crowd

Even with 3D rendering marketing growing, there are still hundreds of thousands of companies still reluctant about implementing it in their day-to-day marketing efforts.

This is a perfect development for companies that want to stand out from the crowd, attract more customers, and increase revenue. 3D rendering marketing can be that one soldier in your marketing army to win you the war against the competition.

There are several niches where 3D rendering marketing can really help you climb to the top of the ladder, including architecture, construction, real estate marketing, and development.

3D renders are so realistic that they often get people confused, wondering whether it’s a real photo or a 3D render they are looking at.

3D Rendering Is Versatile Format

An asset used in marketing is only as valuable as the number of channels it can be distributed through. This has become increasingly important over time, and we have digital marketing and internet to thank.

3D rendering marketing has taken on popularity because 3D renders come in a versatile format. What does this mean?

Whatever platform your marketing campaign targets, you can rest assured that 3D rendering has the answer for it. Whether you want a photorealistic high-resolution image, 3D display, animation, walkthrough, or snapshot, 3D rendering marketing will deliver it to you.

There is virtually no industry that cannot benefit from the versatility of 3D rendering format and its applications.

The 3D Geometry Capability Adds More Value

In some niches such as architecture and construction, we can freely say, marketing was ridiculous before 3D rendering marketing.

Why? Because sketches and drawings didn’t carry any geometry capability whatsoever. The only thing able to match 3D rendering was a hand-made 3D model. But we know how hard and time consuming it is to build one.

3D renderings have amazing geometry capability. Not only can the architects create and shape any imaginable object, but they can also take the dimensions and make the model accurate down to the smallest detail.

This type of marketing crossed the boundaries of cosmetic and superficial marketing designed to entice and convince customers to spend money. It adds more value, thus becoming useful in more verticals and steadily growing.

3D Marketing Saves Money in the Long Run

When you go through a list as long as the one you just went through, it becomes self-evident why 3D rendering marketing is growing so fast. It brings numerous benefits to companies. First of all, it has a direct effect on customer satisfaction levels.

By enabling customers to see what they get for their money in advance, 3D rendering marketing ensures high ROI in short, especially in the long run.

It also enhances the digital footprint of the company that uses it. This helps a business stand out from the crowd, and benefit from diversifying the marketing strategy, both in terms of types of media used and the number of marketing channels.

Each one of the reasons on this list is powerful enough to shift the trends in a positive direction for 3D rendering marketing. Since there are several of them, their synergy has caused the 3D rendering marketing niche to bloom and experience incredible growth.