The role of AR and VR in shaping the future of eCommerce

What attracts us to AR and VR, and why the business is giving it special attention. Nowadays, we are stating that the future of eCommerce depends on these technologies and their future growth.

Evolution of eCommerce.

Observing the statistics of the last 5 years, we conclude about the global progression of eCommerce among consumers. Given the trends, people no longer feel comfortable shopping in supermarkets. Performing other kinds of physical activities and not attracting people anymore. The easiest way to shop at the moment is to order online via mobile phones or computers. That is why every year, we see a steady decline in the percentage of the popularity of physical stores among consumers. An extra factor in the development of eCommerce in recent years is the pandemic. It was this what pushed companies to adapt to the current circumstances and expand the possibilities of ordering things.

In order to be successful, companies resort to many ways to attract customers. According to, we are seeing significant progress in mobile application development. By providing users with the opportunity to use services at the highest level, companies guarantee success in their activities. With the growing popularity of online services and purchases, technologies are also developing that make the process more progressive. These technologies are virtual and augmented reality.

While some find these technologies risky to use, others are convinced of the growing demand. At this time, the progress of eCommerce can actually increase if VR is properly integrated into the lives of corporations. And even though there is a lack of user experience, companies continue to place big bets on the technology of the future. Observing the positive dynamics of the growth of user interest in using VR and AR, we expect their full integration soon.

Virtual reality shopping online

Due to the increased activity in our daily life, we do not have time for physical shopping trips. This means that at some point in our lives, we choose online shopping and forget about physical trips to supermarkets. With the increase in the speed of our lives, so have the conditions for online shopping. If 5 years ago desktop e-commerce had the advantage, now mobile devices have the lead.

Therefore, the integration of the VR store online requires special conditions to take into account the devices from which operations will be performed. With a VR shopping experience, it is quite easy for developers to make this a reality. It is necessary to consider the relevant circumstances for the successful development of the future of online shopping, which we describe below.

Buyers' intentions

A large percentage of users spend their free time looking for certain products. For some of us, this becomes a way of entertainment. But for others, it could even be part of a daily routine in order to distract from problems, given the fact that we spend our days more on the moving, mobile phones becoming our best friends. This is where the introduction of virtual reality comes in. The ability to use VR or AR helps people feel closer to the product. Using this information, companies can turn the circumstances into a form that matches their needs.

At the same time, statistics show that mobile phones are most often used at the first stages of acquaintance and ordering goods. The last steps are usually performed by users sitting at a computer.

Mobile device adaptation

One of the most pressing issues when it comes to mobile devices is the compatibility of services with phone operating systems. None of the users want to find themselves in a situation where their purchases were unsuccessful due to poor adaptation of their device.

Thus, even the most global corporations are working to improve compatibility. Having achieved success in this, the next step may well be a large-scale implementation of augmented reality. Thanks to VR and AR, in the future, e-commerce will get unlimited possibilities.

The value of virtual reality eCommerce

Ecommerce VR cannot be understated. This technology is actually capable of opening up new perspectives for users of all platforms. This collaboration of companies with VR or AR is designed to improve customer comfort and increase the company's sales growth. There are a number of benefits for a company to use VR, which we will discuss below.

Help in making a buy

Let's draw an analogy with all known phenomena. Coming to a cosmetics store, women are offered a number of trial products in order to understand which one meets the requirements. Just like buying a suit, the first thing you do is go to the dressing rooms and try it out.

Based on this example, companies are taking advantage of VR and allowing us to do the same. It is thanks to this technology, you can easily familiarize yourself with the product and understand its need in your life. Some of the companies go even further. By introducing virtual sellers, they make the shopping process as comfortable as possible for the buyer.

Personalization of shopping.

Guided by the help of designers, companies create full-fledged virtual stores of products that you prefer. Using AR you can check how a certain color or size will look on you. This feature makes the process easier. You also achieve a more accurate result using the benefits of AR.

Ability to select and add objects of interest.

With AR, you no longer need to change the overall look of a design image over and over again if you want to. Using this technology, you are free to correct any part of the selected objects without changing the data from scratch.

IKEA is a prime example of such services. The company has created a whole progressive world to improve the design process of your rooms. You can take advantage of this opportunity sitting at home at the computer or in special branches of stores. Thus, while creating your future room, you can change individual objects without resetting all the data over and over again.

Augmented reality investment opportunities

Augmented reality stats show that customers are more likely to buy products online than when they just see a picture in front of them. The founders of the companies find in these statistics a reason for augmented reality investments. Speaking of which, over the past few years, due to the pandemic and the transfer of our lives to the online format, companies have spent millions to expand their consumer market. The basic activities for introducing customers to VR and AR are:

  • Creating VR-based advertising campaigns. Becoming a part of a commercial, here you can get acquainted with the history of the product and get vivid emotions.
  • Possibility of virtual escort on websites. Try any product on yourself, from smartwatches to cosmetics. It is this opportunity that attracts buyers most of all to the opening of new platforms.
  • Get your virtual assistant. Simplify your buying process with trained software that acts as your virtual salesperson.
  • Mini versions of interactive VR games. Take part in the passage of the quest or even travel in the virtual world of the company. Most often, everything that you come across in such a game will personify the company and give you the opportunity to get to know them in a game format.

We can no longer call the process of using services boring. This field of activity is becoming more and more like entertainment. But also, do not forget about the increase in user interest in the company thanks to the VR functions. Despite the risks faced by new startups, each of them will eventually add a virtual reality format to their platforms.

Prospects of VR and AR for eCommerce

From a business perspective, new opportunities open up for companies when they decide to use VR as part of their services. With a correct understanding of the VR and AR task, it is possible to significantly increase the sales of products and services. By investing effort and money in VR adoption, it could change the company's future prospects and expand the consumer market.

Also, do not forget that there are a number of people interested in researching new technologies and gaining new experiences. Be sure that such users will come again and again for the product in order to get unforgettable emotions from the process. Globally renowned companies have boosted their revenues in a short time by means of using VR.

But with all these bonuses, there are a number of problems that need to be overcome. Speaking of problems, we mean:

  • Fear and prejudice of users before learning something new. Until a couple of years ago, VR was a technology that only a few could use. But now, each of us has such an opportunity to become closer to this.
  • The problem of incompatibility of devices. Due to software errors and insufficient power of devices, problems with the correct operation of the technology may arise.
  • The unattractive appearance of the task implementation. If a company is not fortunate enough to hire decent employees, the end product is likely to look poor enough.

Of course, the introduction of these technologies cannot happen quickly and cheaply. These changes will take from several months to a year in order to create a complete product. But those companies that are willing to take risks and spend money will get a competitive advantage over the rest.

Specialized agencies on the VR side

With the development of VR and AR technology, not only sales companies have become interested in their use. Exactly like in any other area of ​​human activity, companies specializing in the introduction and development of technology have appeared here. Their role is to:

  • Contact with the company, understanding the problems and requirements.
  • Providing their own capabilities and vision in integrating VR into work.
  • Support and further development of VR and AR as part of the company.

Obviously, not all companies use these services. But as statistics show, those who trusted the process did not regret it. The activities of these specialized companies help combat outdated shopping formats and enable products to become more competitive.

A separate type of such companies are platforms that allow users to "try" products on their personal virtual platforms. So, for example, we are free to check how a table bought from Amazon will look in your room. And usually, users give their best reviews to companies that provide such opportunities.

Make sure you and your users are ready to use VR technologies

As compelling as the prospect of using VR in eCommerce may seem, you need to be confident in your steps. Considering the experience of global companies, not all new projects bring their success in the first months. This is most often the main problem of the intimidating company. But with a detailed plan and a sufficient supply of money and patience, it is quite possible to achieve unexpectedly great results.

Given the fact that humanity is passionate about learning new things, it is a good opportunity to win their hearts with modern technology. Having understood what exactly is lost in your business, you can easily create a plan, following which you will achieve success.

Our future is already here, and it starts with small changes. And we can confidently call AR and VR the future of eCommerce.