Interior 3D Design - 5 Advantages That Help Designers Present and Sell Their Work

There's no doubt that interior design renderings help designers gain client loyalty and sell their work. Using the powerful modern 3D rendering software, artists get the necessary tools to present their ideas and convey those ideas to their clients.

Sometimes, it's extremely hard to present and sell that kind of work to people from the commercial world, as businesses owners only speak and understand the language of facts and figures. They don't want just an idea that looks amazing, they want tangible proof.

The thing that concerns this kind of client the most is whether the design is profitable, as they need some kind of assurance that the cost won't be more than is absolutely necessary to get the job done.

That means that designers have to come up with state of the art ideas and groundbreaking design as a smart solution to decrease the overall cost.

Architectural rendering

Well, providing factual information on an idea that is yet to become real and conveying that idea to clients who might not understand it tends to be a bit tricky, but that's where the modern interior 3D design kicks in.

Through the use of architectural rendering, modern designers can present photorealistic images of the projects that are yet to be built – shopping malls, homes, hotels, restaurants, offices and so on.

The biggest advantage of architectural rendering that helps designers sell their work is that it makes their presentations easy to understand, factual, and impactful. There are several other very useful advantages that 3D rendering provides.

1. A competitive edge

Since interior 3D design is a very overcrowded business landscape, the competition is fierce and there will be a lot of other very capable designers trying to present and sell their work. So, every designer needs to find a way to impress clients with their presentation.

Fantastic imagery can help captivate the audience. Since architectural rendering is three-dimensional, take your clients on a tour around their future object.

You can easily do that using the latest virtual reality technology. Then, there's animation too that can bring any object to life and impress your clients even more.

Perhaps the best thing about interior 3D design is that it allows a designer to show their ideas in-detail and allow clients to experience those ideas in real life.

2. Visualization

Using interior design visualization, every designer can offer two alternative versions of the same idea. This will assure clients of your excellent level of preparation and give them the ability to choose, which doubles your chances of selling your work.

This is a very solid advantage, as most designers will present only one concept while you deliver two versions in the most effective way.

3. Excellent client-designer relationship

In the end, everything comes down to the client-artist relationship. If clients and designers can understand each other and work together in harmony, that is what leads to client loyalty.

The smoother the work process, the better the result. A designer can use interior 3D design to present the ideas in a way that each client can understand. When everything is crystal clear, it's much easier to sell.

4. Great chance of success

Even though you can't tell for sure whether your work will sell or not, there are things you can do to increase your chances.

This is where 3D interior design can help, as it allows a designer to not only assure the client of what they will get, but it also ensures that a designer delivers the expected results.

Sometimes clients will say they're OK with something, but they can change their minds before the work is done. To avoid that situation, you can use interior 3D design to make sure you're all on the same page, which greatly increases your chances of success.

5. Fast approval

Presenting only sketches and drawings isn't going to cut it for most clients as a lot of them don't understand the details well enough to form a coherent and comprehensive picture of the project, as they lack the relevant experience and education.

Well, you can overcome these obstacles with architectural rendering.

By investing your time and effort to clear things out, you provide enough evidence to your clients that you’re ready to work hard to make things happen for them. This alone speaks volumes and it will help you to significantly speed up the process of approval.

The benefits of using interior design renderings

Now that we're fully aware of the advantages of architectural rendering, let's delve deeper into how these advantages benefit a designer.

Interior design renderings enable designers and architects to do the following:

Use a layout to their advantage

Presenting a layout in the best way possible is a huge advantage for every designer over the competition. Artists can use architectural rendering to showcase the chosen layout and all the advantages that come with it.

This can be extremely valuable and valid for home improvement or renovation. If clients can see a well-planned layout and the way it will help them profit, that's a sure way to sell.

This is especially important for those designers who are into commercial design. If the clients can see that a layout can benefit them, they are more likely to buy.

Demonstrate how their ideas reflect on the brand identity  

If you're trying to sell a commercial design, your clients will mostly worry about how your ideas affect their brand image. This works a bit different when it comes to residential 3D interior design but the principle is almost the same.

If a designer is working with a business owner who needs a new office, this client will be concerned with things like ideal work environment, attitude to a hierarchy, aesthetic vision and, of course, brand image.

Architectural rendering allows a designer to integrate the brand image and identity into the very idea and thus, providing a client with a clear vision of how their future office will look like.

Showcase decor, materials, and colors

3D renderings can help a designer show the clients what the decor, materials, and colors will look like in the project. If a client can clearly visualize and see how certain ideas work in real space, that’s a whole new experience.

By doing so, a designer has the ability to capture the atmosphere that will eventually help a client decide if that’s what they had in mind.

Come up with an adoptable customized approach

One of the best things about interior 3D design is that it allows a designer to come up with an adoptable customized approach when showcasing their ideas.

They can work on a project according to the requirements of their clients and still propose some good ideas on how to make things even better and introduce some elements that might even enhance the impact of the project.

Since a designer can use 3D renderings, visualization, animation, VR and so on, they can do whatever they want. While clients think only about how the project will look, a designer can go much further into detail and give clients certain ideas that would make a project look sensational.

An eco-friendly space? Why not. Luxurious and refined furniture? A really good idea. The possibilities are literally endless. Architectural rendering helps a designer make a point and that’s what really makes a difference.

Showcase how certain interior design ideas enhance profitability

Interior architectural visualization can help a designer get into every single detail of the project and explain to clients why those details matter, but most importantly, how they improve profitability.

Let’s point out the obvious here: fantastic imagery is all good but if an idea isn't commercially profitable, it won't sell. It’s as simple as that. If a designer can point out how their ideas can improve profitability, that's a certain way of selling their work.

Demonstrate how certain ideas meet the exact requirements and needs of clients

Perhaps the most important thing and the very foundation of every design work. A designer can use architectural rendering or any other trendy interior 3D design technique to show how their ideas fit into the requirements and needs of their clients. If that goes successfully, your chances of selling the project greatly increase.

Everything comes down to communication and understanding. Clients must be able to understand the designer's ideas and advanced interior 3D design can help you to accomplish that mission.

Modern 3D interior design offers so many opportunities and possibilities that make client-artist communication much simpler than ever before. Thanks to that, it's much easier to convince your clients that your ideas are exactly what they are looking for.