Tropical plants fill an enclosed terrace in a warm concrete setting.How to Design a Modern Indoor Garden

If you ask many people, gardening is among the most exciting activities you can have for a hobby. And thanks to modern-day advanced technology as well as knowledge, you don’t necessarily need some huge space in your backyard to exercise your green thumb and bring it to fruition.

These days, you can grow your own herbs, veggies, fruits, flowers, or ornamental plants right from your living room, balcony, or basement.

But even so, your indoor garden doesn’t have to look boring. Depending on how you design it, you can give it a cool, modern touch with flowers from Flower Chix while ensuring it’s functional enough to best support the growth of what you will be cultivating.

What’s an Indoor Garden?

An indoor garden is just as the name sounds – a garden where the plants are grown in an enclosed space, mostly inside the home. Many people use it as a way to keep getting fresh produce year-round without worrying about limitations such as space and the elements.

Oftentimes, setting up an indoor garden means various things. It means recreating the outside environment by introducing adequate light, controlling temperature levels, ensuring proper ventilation, and providing water for your plants.

Designing an Indoor Garden

Designing an indoor garden can indeed be a real hustle, but it doesn’t necessarily take herculean strength or rocket science to get one up and running.

It requires you to choose your plants wisely, organize your space wittily, think about lighting, and incorporate just the light colors. And since there’s nothing such as a one-size-fits-all, creating a modern-looking indoor garden will depend largely on your creativity.

Why An Indoor Garden’s Design Matters

Your indoor garden’s design matters for a few reasons.

Perhaps some of the most crucial reasons are that it could determine:

  • Your indoor aesthetics
  • How healthy your plants will grow
  • Accessibility and navigation
  • How much space it actually consumes

If you're looking to design a modern indoor garden, be sure to check out flower window boxes for their selection of stylish and functional containers to showcase your plants.

Tips for Designing Modern an Indoor Garden

If you’ve made up your mind about creating a beautiful indoor garden, here are some tips that can help you give it a modern touch.

1. Pick Your Plants Wisely

For any indoor garden design to work, you will need to start by choosing the plants you want to grow carefully, depending on the space you have. If you’re more into veggies, you can go for carrots, hot peppers, herbs, or scallions, for instance.

And if you’re more into ornamental plants, succulents like the money plant jade, or the lucky plant can be a wonderful introduction. Again, you can have your plants potted, in a grow box, or grown in a greenhouse depending on the space available.

2. Use LED Lights to Give Your Indoor Garden an Easy Glow

Whether your indoor garden will be stationed in your basement, a dedicated room, or space within your home, one thing is for sure. The plants will need light for photosynthesis, the process that allows them to grow and provide yield.

And since your home may not always have adequate natural light, it’s important to think about artificial lighting that will support your indoor garden while giving it a modern touch. There are various options in this category, including br30 light bulbs that can also be placed literally to support healthy plant growth, including in the bedroom! LED grow lights are another good option that you can use to help your indoor plants grow and provide an aesthetic touch to your home.

3. Get Creative with Your Planters

It’s crucial to also think about your planters and containers – if at all you use them – as part of the decor.

For example, you can buy succulents in lovely pots, or create something that works as the décor all on its own. And, why not create a niche-type arrangement with pots surrounding your plants, to emphasize the plants’ presence?

You can also use mismatched pots and containers to form a unique composition. This can be a great way to create a focal point in your indoor garden, especially when geometric elements and various textures are added.

4. Consider a Vertical Garden

A vertical garden is ideal if you’re already in a small space or have limited space to spare. A beautifully designed vertical garden can be filled with succulents or other plants and provides a fresh, natural look in addition to sustainability. But the sad part about vertical gardens is that you need a clear wall or edge to place it, with the plant’s foliage hanging outside.

So it’s best to make sure that your vertical garden is given sufficient sunlight.

5. Keep It Simple

When it comes to designing an indoor garden, you will find that many people either go too far with the colors and shapes, the choice of plants, and all. This could easily make the garden look cluttered, not to mention that the yield could be affected as the different plants compete for nutrients.

A simple design is more likely to look modern compared to a complex design.

And there you finally have it! With these tips, designing a beautiful, modern, and successful garden indoors doesn’t have to make you break much of a sweat.