Architectural Rendering is Not Easy, Here is Why

In the past, visual representations of future architectural models were drawn by hand. This method had many drawbacks compared to what you can do now. Technological improvements have revolutionized this process with software which allows experts to present their project in a 3D environment.

However, this has set the bar high for any architectural rendering expert. To be honest, even basic 3D renders do really look better than old ones, but the current standards require more detail and complex visualizations.

This means that everyone with a bit of knowledge can do 3D renders, but only those with experience can make professional ones that have value in the world of architecture. Architectural rendering is not easy, and here is why.

The view needs to be naturally adjusted at all times

Architectural renders are perceived by viewers as a movie, or a combination of 3D models the viewer can inspect from any angle. It is this camera-like view that contributes to the render looking more convincing, or more real. This is often an issue with renders; even though the models and the details are dome fine, the camera view isn’t, and this completely destroys the credibility of the render.

Modern rendering standards require final presentations to be as realistic as possible and this is impossible without proper eye high adjustments throughout the whole render. It is essential that the person making the render puts him or herself in the shoes of a photographer and ensure that the whole view of the render is like a quality photograph, no matter which area is currently being examined.

The Sun must be positioned properly

The Sun and its effect on the overall render is crucial. How it is positioned can greatly affect how real the whole structure will look. Proper Sun placement and light animations play a big part in creating realistic and appealing visual effects. If the Sun placement is not adequate, this can make the whole exterior look artificial.

Too much light will make the whole model too bright and people won’t be able to see the fine details, nor perceive the depth of the model properly. The position of the Sun needs to be natural to create a realistic environment, but at the same time, it cannot disrupt the form.

It’s essential to add the sky

If you have the sun, then of course, you need the sky. Adding a sky is probably one of the most difficult tasks for renders, as most architects don’t get any training in this kind of design. This means that architects are forced to go out of their comfort zone and completely switch to something new.

If not done properly, the sky can ruin the whole image even though all the other aspects of the render are on point.

For a proper render image, the sky needs to fit in perfectly and not stand out from the rest in any way, nor should it draw attention from the exterior. Architects that want to get this right need to train to make it look natural. After this, they also need to work on adding it to the render properly.

There are lots of reflections that need to be considered

A lot of architectural designs come with many windows and this is why it is of the utmost importance to ensure that reflections on these surfaces are as detailed as possible to make the whole thing realistic. However, there is an even a larger issue with the exterior if you have glass surfaces present in the interior, such as tables or mirrors.

This could require multiple reflections to keep up with the standards. The reflections are affected by the Sun, the landscape around, the light, and the sky. All of these things need to be considered to create proper reflections that look natural. This can be a very tiresome task as it requires a lot of time and attention to detail.

It’s important to add vegetation around the model

When it comes to exterior architecture rendering, the surrounding vegetation is a big part of the whole scene. The architect needs to add plants and trees which have the proper dimensions, thus creating a better perspective of the entire model. The vegetation near the model needs to be presented using 3D images, while the background can be a series of 2D images as they are less noticeable.

This is how everything will look more natural. Viewers will be able to visualize it in a better way, leaving a greater impact on them. To make the whole thing realistic, it is essential not to use the same plants. Ensure that they have different shapes and sizes. Otherwise, your render will look monotonous.

Everything needs to be as detailed as possible

To make renders as lifelike as possible, it is crucial to pay attention to details. This includes adding more elements such as vehicles or even people. Not only this, but you need to ensure that everything you include is customized and detailed as well. Still, people are not necessary, unless the client requires them explicitly.

To make the render convincing, you need to let viewers see details such as license plate numbers on vehicles, facial expressions, branches, leaves, realistic weather conditions, and so on. You can even expose certain quirks and features of the model by having people or other elements “interact” with it to show its practicality.

In this visual and technologically advanced age, it is essential that 3D architecture renders look as realistic as possible. Construction companies rely on them to supporting their architectural needs. At the same time, potential customers want to be able to see how a certain building or house will look like to get interested and hopefully make a purchase or an investment.