Important 3D Visualization Benefits 3D Interior Designers Should Know

Things are changing really quickly in the world of architecture and design. Both the interior and exterior are done differently. That’s mostly due to the development of new technologies that have impacted architecture processes and design altogether.

3D visualization has had a major role to play in this. It has finally reached interior design, and lots of designers are already reaping its benefits. However, lots of designers don’t know anything about 3D visualization or how it can help.

That’s why we’ve decided to give you a bit more information on the topic. To avoid any confusion, let’s first get back to the fundamentals.

What is Visualization?

3D visualization is the process of using computer software to create graphical representations. It’s also called 3D rendering, CGI, or 3D graphics rendering. This technique is used to represent real objects within the digital environment and visualize objects that still don’t exist.

Over the past two decades, this technique has become mainstream. It’s one of the best options for creating visual representations that help communicate how design projects will look like. Many different industries are using this technology to improve their designs:

  • Entertainment
  • Gaming
  • Engineering
  • Manufacturing

3D visualization involves both artistic and technical skills. This blend allows artists to create digital representations in a virtual environment in the form of animations and images. Believe it or not, the key benefit here is communication and immersion. It makes the whole design process a lot easier.

How is it Done?

As we mentioned earlier, 3D visualization is done using computer software. The artist needs to have the visual creativity to imagine an object that still doesn’t exist. But at the same time, he or she needs the technical knowledge to execute that idea within the computer software.

3D artists use images that they apply to 3D models, allowing them to create realistic visualizations. The process is similar to physical painting or gluing materials. At the same time, visualizers also use a variety of materials that they put on surfaces.

Artists can manipulate and change the parameters of these surfaces and change their lighting, roughness, reflections, and so on. All of this lets them create convincing imagery that will showcase identical representations of objects that will be created in the future.

Why It’s Becoming Popular

3D visualization is quickly becoming a standard. It’s growing quickly in popularity because it gives many different benefits. Stakeholders, company owners, architects, and designers have realized the value of 3D rendering.

At the same time, there are more and more 3D artists out there who specialize in this line of work. When it comes to interior design, visualization hasn’t been the priority as people thought it was “too complex” and couldn’t give any “major benefits.”

Apart from giving tangible benefits, this technology is also flexible. It can be used in many different industries. All that has contributed to its popularity and quick adoption. Like with any new technology, professionals and businesses alike are reluctant when it comes to adopting them.

Now let’s see how 3D visualization helps 3D designers and why you should also consider using it.

Visualizations Lets Clients Imagine How Their Space Will Look

Interior designers don’t have clients that have civil engineering, construction, or architectural knowledge. They are “regular” people looking to make their interior space look better and be more functional. These people can’t read floor plans and understand how something will look in the future.

For interior designers, it’s important to explain the whole project to clients and help them understand how everything will look like. If there are doubts or misunderstandings, designers don’t have the freedom to start the work. On the other hand, when they’ve finished, clients might realize that this isn’t what they originally imagined.

Both parties need to be on the same page. With 3D visualization software, designers can create digital imagery within a 3D environment. It helps clients understand the whole project and recognize things they like or dislike.

All of this makes it easier to leave no doubts about the project. Clients will know what they are getting while the designers will be sure to carry out the project until the end.

Easier to Communicate Ideas

When it comes to creative work together directly with clients, things can get difficult. After all, creative ideas aren’t that easy to explain. People have different understandings and concepts in their minds. It’s not that easy to get on the same page and understand each other.

At the same time, clients don’t have the technical knowledge about design and architecture. Clients sometimes have a complete idea for their space. On the other hand, sometimes you will have to bounce ideas back and forth before finding something they love.

No matter what’s the case, it can be difficult to understand each other. That’s where visualization helps. Instead of having to use words or draw plain 2D images, you can simply visualize the space. Naturally, these will be rough representations, but they are good enough to show the general idea.

Communicating ideas throughout the whole process

What’s even better about all of this is that you can always do it. There are a lot of details in interior design. After all, you want to realize your client’s wishes and establish yourself as a trusted professional.

Whenever you have an idea, you can add it quickly into the project and show it to the client. They can take a look and tell you if they like it or not. On the other hand, if the client has an idea, they can tell you what they have in mind, and you can do a visual representation to show them how it would look.

Make a Great Impression on Clients

3D visualizations look amazing if done right. They leave clients speechless, especially if you are doing photorealistic renders. The whole buying experience reaches a new level as clients can see how their space will look in the real world.

It’s not just floor plans and project documentation but giving realistic imagery that anyone can understand. Clients have much more confidence in the whole process when they can actually see what is going on.

Of course, visualization increases costs, but for many clients isn’t about the costs, it’s about trust. With visualization, they are in the loop and have a direct impact on the project. Apart from seeing what’s going on with immersive realism, visualization also impresses clients on a technological level.

Customers love designers who are ahead of the curve. When they see that you’ve made an effort to improve your service and bring your work closer to them, they will respect you for that. Here are all the direct ways 3D renders can make a great impression on your clients:

Different angles and appearance

All homeowners want to make their space look special. 3D visualization images allow them to do this and outline all the tiniest details. These images come in different angles enabling everyone to see all the corners, perspective, size, and shape of a certain space.

Allowing customization and tiny details

In the past, clients could only get a rough image of how a certain interior will look. It was difficult to add furniture, curtains, chairs, curtains, vases, paintings, decorations, etc. With photorealistic rendering, clients get the full picture of how a room would look.

At the same time, designers can make these changes instantly and test out different arrangements. Clients love this because they can know in advance whether their ideas make sense and how their space will look.

Realistic imagery

That’s the most obvious benefit clients get from 3D visualization. What impresses clients the most is the fact is how realistic renders can be actually. They expect a rough sketch that looks like a cartoon but instead get an overview of their space that looks like it’s from an architecture magazine.

It instantly excites clients about the project and makes them trust you. People are visual beings, and when they see what you could potentially do for them, they will give you their trust.

The price

Even though 3D visualization increases the costs of an interior design project, it’s not as expensive as clients expect. When they see a great visualization, and you tell them how much it actually costs, they’ll be surprised and think to themselves, “it’s worth it.”

Attract New Customers

3D rendering isn’t used only directly with clients. It can also be a powerful tool that helps you market your services. For example, social media is available to everyone today and can be used for marketing with ease. Visualizations are highly shareable and marketable.

You can use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn to share your renders and spread the word about your business. Quality visual content always performs better on social media than written text. With each job you complete, you can use the visualization as promotional material.

On the other hand, this approach also promotes you “passively” and spreads positive word of mouth. Since your clients will be more satisfied and impressed with your work, they are likely to talk about their experiences with their friends.

On the other hand, you can also display your visualizations on your websites. Visitors will understand the work you do and think about hiring you for their next projects.

Create a Rich Portfolio

A portfolio is a very important asset for an architect, designer, or artist. In a lot of cases, these professionals find work because someone looks at their portfolios. Look to have both an online and a physical portfolio. Update them often to show potential customers your freshest work.

One of the best elements to add to your portfolio are 3D renders. They are visual, look amazing, and truthfully represent your work. At the same time, this is a perfect way to display the tiniest details of your past projects realistically.

When potential clients see your portfolio, they will start to understand what they will be getting with your services. Furthermore, a rich portfolio lets you give quick examples of how you would do something and help you persuade clients to work with you.

No matter what you do, make sure to add different kinds of visualizations within your portfolio. Showcase your versatility. Show clients that you are capable of handling different things.

Lots of Visualization Tools You Can Use For Free

Yes, visualization brings so many benefits to designers and their clients as well. What’s even more amazing about 3D rendering, though, is that you can start doing it for free. You will read many stories online about how you need to buy expensive software to do this kind of work.

Yes, there are tools that are really expensive and can do amazing things. But on the other hand, there is a large number of free software you can use completely free. Of course, these free solutions don’t offer the same quality and functionalities as paid options.

However, they are great for beginners and intermediate designers. You can develop your skills and create solid visualizations that will give you results. When you feel that you’re ready, you can buy one of the most popular visualization tools.


When it comes to interior design, passion and emotion are essential. As a designer, you need to invest yourself in every tiniest detail of a space and create its personality. 3D rendering can help you with this.

If you use it, you’ll develop a more accurate design and define your concept more easily. It also gives you a virtual environment to see how you can adapt yourself to different rooms, product requirements, and any other challenge.