The State of the 3D Visualization Market During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Meta description: In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of the world's population is forced to adapt to new working conditions we found ourselves in. While the coronavirus pretty much transformed every aspect of how we work across every industry, it's long-term consequences are yet to be determined.

From virtual events to distance learning, remote working, and telecommuting, the COVID-19 pandemic has infiltrated every vertical of our daily lives. In terms of architecture, this industry has been paralyzed just like any other.

However, the 3D visualization market has remained somewhat functional due to a huge level of innovation driven by designers. These professionals have quickly adapted to the new situation and came up with new ways to stay connected.

These new ways include a careful rethinking of traditional workflows to match the newly posed limitations that the coronavirus brought upon the world.

With the rise of mandated and self-imposed isolation and social distancing, as well as the global adoption of the remote work concept, we're here to explore the state of 3D visualization during the COVID-19 pandemic and what it will mean for in the months to come.

It's Too Early to Predict the Future

There is no doubt that the outbreak of coronavirus is currently paralyzing every aspect of our daily lives. Science, education, industry, business, everything is stagnating while the pandemic pretty much changes the way our world works and functions.

When it comes to 3D visualization, architects, designers, experts, and other professionals are already taking stock as they're uncertain of what the future may bring. This crisis will teach us some major lessons, and we should pay special attention as this is a class that no one wants to miss out on.

Still, according to professional 3D visualization artists and experts, it's currently very difficult to look past next week. The situation changes every day, and while the majority of countries are under lockdown, it's hard to predict where the market will go.

One thing is for sure - when the pandemic is over, the entire industry will join efforts to find a solution that will make the sector more resilient. This can be done by considering the main driving factors of this intersection:

●       3D visualization workflows - the industry needs to come up with a solution that will make these workflows more adaptable to disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic to improve the level of resilience.

●       3D visualization software - since 3D visualization is a field that entirely relies on modern technology, it's prone to constant changes in terms of software tools. During the process of that technological change, artists are not making full use of these tools since they are new to them. There's room for improvement here.

●       Space - in the future, every aspect of a designed space has to be included in a larger order of things.

●       Residential design and remote working - if architecture is to accept the concept of remote working, how will this transition impact residential design, and what does that mean for the industry?

If the industry is to fight the pandemic, professionals and experts have to create a living and working environment that is easily adaptable to whatever obstacles the world may impose.

The Connection Between Working Conditions and 3D Visualization

The biggest question in the industry at the moment is the connection between working conditions and 3D visualization. This relationship is meant to address the most prominent issues regarding the conditions people work in, not only in architecture but across all other professions.

Aside from addressing unhealthy working conditions, there are also informal work, long hours, and night shifts to take into consideration as well as how to make traditional measures of security more advanced.

This pandemic requires every industry in the world to take a step back and carefully reassess every aspect to ascertain the elements that aren't working. When it comes to 3D visualization and architecture, the COVID-19 pandemic pretty much slowed down all projects that are yet to be built.

A process that includes so many details can't be completed quickly. Almost every 3D visualization project includes long hours of work. Even billing clients includes a tremendous amount of effort.

So, the first change that we might be looking at within the 3D visualization market will be lessening the number of hours in a workweek. Of course, this will also impact the product-based economy, but the world will adapt in time.

The problem with the 3D visualization market is that it is immensely complex. According to some market experts, the system will probably make a transition to a product-based economy, but it all depends on the quality of projects. The quality will become more important than the time it takes to complete a project.

To be able to predict the market's migration during the next few months, we need to study all aspects and consider every element of 3D visualization to come up with a precise prediction.

Judging by the current state of the market, the first thing that requires reconsideration is how 3D artists value their services. The most significant change will probably happen in this aspect of the market. All ways of measuring value will be subjected to reconsideration, including:

●       The scope of work

●       Deadlines

●       Total construction value

●       Quantity of work

●       The hourly rate

These are all driving factors that require a new form of procurement, especially when it comes to billing and contracts. Moreover, since the world's population is required to practice self-isolation and social distancing, all 3D visualization events will be suspended until further notice.

The entire 9-5 business model will be reconsidered, as this method is nothing more than an old-fashioned approach that definitely needs improvement.

The best way to overcome this time-based obstacle is to make a transition towards an output-based structure that will significantly reduce the time it takes to complete certain processes.

The Trends to Come

The current situation on the market calls for change, and after the crisis is over, the market and the 3D visualization industry will both go through a lot of changes. Most efforts will be aimed towards rethinking infrastructural and revenue processes.

Also, the very nature of work will have to be changed, moving away from all traditional models and methods as these simply don't work in crisis situations such as this ongoing virus outbreak.

These changes will impact traditional offices while the shift towards new working methods will require more research to ensure a safe transition into architectural spaces. The biggest emphasis will be on the capability to imagine the future and come up with new, innovative frameworks.


This crisis is affecting us all, forcing the entire world to change its ways and adapt to new ways of life. The changes won't only be specific for 3D visualization but for every other industry that is tightly connected to architecture.

The construction industry will also go through a lot of changes. Contractors will be encouraged to turn to modern technology to improve their workflows and use tools to decrease the number of workers on-site, and so on.

Even though it is hard to tell for sure how long this pandemic will last, the world and 3D visualization will find a way to come out of this stronger and more prepared for the next round.