New Technologies in Architecture That Benefit Both Clients and Architects

Architecture has developed immensely in the past two decades. With the introduction of new computer technologies and 3D rendering, architects could create better designs and projects. Everything is much easier now, all thanks to the modernization of the architectural profession.

Technologies such as 3D rendering, visual reality, augmented reality, 3D printing, and much more greatly impact architects and clients. Both sides know that high-end technology allows for something new, innovative, and better than ever before.

If you are interested in learning which technologies help clients and architects with their projects, you can read our guide and learn all about it.

3D rendering tools

The most used technologies that help architects complete their projects and tasks are the 3D rendering tools. Rendering technologies allow the architects or visual artists to represent large-scale 3D objects in 2D on computer screens or create models. You can present these models to clients for evaluation.

Creating something in 3D or 2D is much more efficient before starting and completing the project. The rendered image or object on the computer can be changed, edited, and made even better. If the project is completed, you can add little to no changes to it. Thus, 3D rendering is used more often than not.

Architects have modernized the industry via 3D rendering tools. Some of the most commonly used ones include:

  • Unity – This is arguably one of the most popular ones. Unity is easy to learn when it comes to the basics, and most architects prefer it.
  • Maya 3D – This is a visual effects software most commonly used to create movies and animation for video games. A perfect choice for animated 3D projects.
  • Lumion – This software is made specifically for architects. Most advanced architects work in Lumion for the best rendering results.

No matter which 3D rendering tool you decide to use, make sure to get the most out of it. It will keep your clients happy with the results, and you will soon build a name for yourself. After all, your life as a 3D artist will become much easier.

Building information modeling

Building information modeling (BIM) is one of the first software tools used for modeling buildings, even as early as the 1970s and 1980s. People have always understood the need to digitally present their ideas, especially regarding architecture.

BIMs are digital (computer) files that architects can use to create further projects or improve existing ones. They are of crucial importance when doing big projects or projects that require extra precision and knowledge, which allows for:

  • Faster completion time – Finishing more projects throughout the year is essential for 3D rendering and architects in general.
  • Better results – Having access to more tools leads to better results. Architects learn how to properly use them to achieve their design goals.

Building information modeling is only one of the many ways architects can get their designs on a higher level. Both clients and the architects themselves are often happy with the results.

Augmented reality

Tools that allow augmented reality to occur are impeccably valuable for designing architectural projects. They enable the architect to redesign existing projects or buildings and add missing details.

Using augmented reality technology, architects can also improve the already-constructed projects. It’s a valuable asset when it comes to architecture tools.

Sometimes clients wish for further improvements, or they are simply bored with the completed design. It won’t take a good architect long to add something new and innovate the building or object.

It might be impossible to create better versions of existing objects or buildings without augmented reality. It is, indeed, one of the finest tools architects have in their arsenal.

Virtual reality

Contrary to augmented reality, virtual reality allows the architect to precisely and adequately represent the project to the client. The client can then see all the details the architect has planned to include in their project, and they will know what the upcoming project will look like when completed.

Most architects heavily rely on visual reality when presenting projects to their clients. It is just one of the many different ways 3D rendering is used in architecture.

The clients can see the project and decide whether they are interested in it or not. The best thing about it is that you can make corrections relatively easily. Thus, architects can use this to their advantage and ensure that the clients are happy and satisfied with the results.

Visual reality embodies some of the finest ideas architects have and allows the clients to enjoy the designed projects well before they are realized in practice. Both clients and architects prefer visual reality for advanced projects or freelancing. It allows for much better communication and helps both sides achieve their goals.

Artificial intelligence

AI is often overlooked when it comes to architecture. However, artificial intelligence is one of the finest tools that you can use to create projects. It drastically improves aspiring architects’ chances of selling a project or working on one.

Artificial intelligence (AI) helps architects in numerous ways. For instance:

  • Provides access to almost unlimited data – AI “knows” what the architects might need for their ongoing projects. It simply shares all the necessary data with them at any point in the project. It functions as a computerized personal assistant that never sleeps.
  • Creating cost estimates – It’s tough for the architect (and the client) to interpret the costs of the project in question. AI solves that problem for both sides and estimates the project costs accurately.

Artificial intelligence is also able to create models for the architect as well. It saves them a lot of time, and they can improve/enhance the models the AI creates to bring their project fully to life. It’s just one of the benefits of having AI software helping them create projects.

3D printing

3D printing is one of the most valuable technological assets architects have. They can design a project in 3D rendering software and print a 3D model of it in real life. It’s something certain clients ask for before agreeing to fund the project or do business with the architect.

Most 3D artists work with clients online. However, when they meet in person, they can bring a 3D printed version of the project they had been working on, and the clients can evaluate it better that way. 3D printed versions are not final, and new ones can be made after the architect corrects any potential mistakes.

The client has the final say when it comes to this in any case. They are the ones who can decide whether or not the architect has to do more work. It doesn’t change the fact that they will know to give better feedback once they see the building/object in full 3D. It is something that is bringing the architectural industry back up.

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is simply a system that includes connected or interrelated databases and allows for communication between those databases. The user can search for specific data online this way.

Knowledge and information have always been the most critical factors of any skill and profession. The same can be said for architecture as well. Architects can acquire more and better information using the Internet of Things.

The devices connected to the Internet of Things send reports back in real-life and thus help the architect. The information the architect receives is the best suited for their current needs. Not only that but the time required for them to receive the information is drastically lowered.

For some projects, speed is of the essence. With the Internet of Things (IoT), architects can find everything they need without spending hours on end browsing the web. It’s a really good addon to the already advanced sets of tools architects use to create incredible 3D projects and make deals with clients in a better way.

Architectural project management tools

Modern architectural tools are a godsend for architects. Time-intensive and often nerve-wracking manual work isn’t done as much as before. With highly advanced tools, architects can design their ideas more efficiently and bring them to life even faster.

Every good architect is proficient in using certain architectural project management tools. They allow them to properly work on projects and create something incredible. Without the tools, it would take the architects much more time and effort. Some of the finest tools are:

  • AutoCAD – This software tool is used to create impeccably precise 2D or 3D drawings. It is one of the most commonly used tools. Both architecture students and seasoned architects rely on it to create drawings and designs.
  • SketchUp – SketchUp is one of the easiest to learn 3D modeling tools and architects often rely on it when they begin learning how to do projects. While it is easy to learn, some advanced tools require a lot of skill and effort to master.
  • Revit – This BIM software is most commonly used to double-check data, information and ensure that everything is going according to plan. It doesn’t have much to do with drawing itself, but with data and information management.

Without such project management tools, architects would have difficulty completing projects. They expedite the process and make it easier for the architects to complete it, leading to happy and satisfied clients and successful architects.

Architectural apps

Architectural apps are some of the final new technologies architects use to bring their projects to life. Such apps are commonly either on Android or iOS operating systems (mobile phones).

Such apps allow the architects to better understand the architectural designs of the rooms and buildings and remember them on their devices. They can use such designs for future projects or improve upon them as well.

Some of the most commonly used architectural apps include:

  • RoomScan PRO – Architects can use such apps to scan the rooms they are in and get a detailed architectural plan of the building. Think of it as reading a barcode of a food item on your phone and getting all the nutritional value. That, only for architecture.
  • ArchiSnapper – This tool allows the architect to get detailed reports on the field without spending hours on end trying to write everything down. It saves a lot of time and will also impress potential clients.

With architecture apps, architects can do their job much better and more fluently. They save them hours and hours of hard work and can be accessed with a few clicks on their phone. Who says architecture can be tedious?


With the development of modern technologies, architects now have a much better understanding of their work. Highly advanced technologies like smartphone apps allow architects to gain insights on the spot, saving time and reducing the workload.

Certain programs and tools like artificial intelligence and augmented reality programs help architects do a much better job without having to work for months or even more.

The clients are also really happy with the work architects put out using modern tools. They allow for better communication between both parties and ensure that everything is going according to plan. We highly recommend using them if you are an aspiring architect. Good luck!