An architectural visualization of a two storey white apartment block composed of offset rectangular volumes.12 Things You Need When Preparing For A Construction Project

When you're planning a construction project in Wisconsin - whether it's a new home, remodeling job, or just some repairs - there are a lot of things you need to take into account. Not only do you have to make sure you have all the tools and supplies you'll need to get the job done right, but you also have to make sure your crew is ready and able to work as efficiently as possible.

And if you're planning a large-scale project, you'll also need to make sure you have the right permits in place and that your contractors are qualified and properly insured.

This list of twelve things is designed to help you plan for any construction project - whether it's big or small. From tools and materials to permits and insurance, here are all essential items that no construction project should be without.

Permissions and Licenses

Before you begin any construction project, it's important to make sure that you have all the necessary permissions and licenses in place. Depending on what type of project you're undertaking, this could include things like building permits or contractor licensing. On the other hand, if you're doing something like a remodel or minor repair, it may not require anything more than the property owner's permission.

Therefore, make sure you do your research early on to avoid delays caused by missing paperwork.  The needed documentation will depend on the project, so check with your local building department for more information.

In Wisconsin, you’ll need to obtain a permit from the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) for almost all types of construction projects - residential or commercial. And if you’re working on anything that requires specialized skills, you may need to contact the DSPS for additional licensing.


If you're undertaking a big project, such as a new build or extensive remodel, you'll want to make sure that you hire qualified contractors. When looking for construction companies in WI, the best approach is to get multiple bids from different contractors and make sure each one is properly licensed. Not only will this help you to get the best price for your project, but it will also ensure that your contractor is qualified and experienced.

It's important to make sure your contractors are not only licensed but also insured and bonded. Wisconsin requires all contractors to be registered with the DSPS before they can work on any job.

Furthermore, make sure you ask for references and look into any customer reviews before making a final decision. Things like communication and customer service can be equally as important as the contractor’s qualifications, so do your due diligence to ensure that you’re getting the best possible team for the job.

Tools and Materials

Of course, no construction project can get done without the right tools and materials. Before you begin any work, make sure that your crew has everything they need to complete the job safely and efficiently. This could include things like saws, hammers, wrenches, ladders, shovels, and other standard tools.

You'll also need to make sure you have all the necessary materials, such as lumber, drywall, paint, nails, screws, insulation, and more. Make a list of everything you'll need and order it ahead of time if possible to avoid delays in your project timeline. And when it comes time to purchase materials, don't be afraid to shop around for the best price.

Additionally, if you're going to be doing any work that requires special tools or materials, make sure they are available in Wisconsin or can be shipped on time. For instance, if you're working on a roofing project, make sure the shingles are available in your area or for any waterworks, pipes, etc.

To make this process even more streamlined, check which allows you to create accurately-measured, customizable 3D models of homes directly from smartphone photos. This tool can provide invaluable insights and aid in precise project planning.

Safety Equipment and Hazards

Construction sites can be dangerous places, so it's important to make sure that your crew is equipped with all the necessary safety gear. This could include hard hats, eye protection, ear protection, gloves, steel-toed boots, and other items. In some cases, it may also be necessary to have specialized safety equipment for certain types of tasks.

For example, on a demolition project, you'll need to make sure your crew has dust masks or respirators to protect them from airborne particles. Or when the project involves lowering and raising workers from heights, portable & permanent davit arm systems might be needed to protect your workers from falling. On top of that, you should also survey the work site for any potential hazards, such as power lines, asbestos, or other hazardous materials.

Additionally, you should also make sure that your crew is trained in proper safety procedures. Make sure all workers understand the risks and can follow safety protocols without fail. This will help to ensure the health and safety of everyone on-site, as well as protect you from any potential litigation due to accidents on the job.

Weather Forecast

Wisconsin's weather can be unpredictable, so it's important to keep an eye on the forecast. If you plan on starting your project in a certain season, make sure you check the local forecasts regularly. This will help you to determine whether or not the weather is suitable for construction and if there could be any potential delays due to storms or other inclement weather.

Additionally, plan and make sure you have contingencies in place for any unexpected weather events. Think about what kind of temporary covers or shelters you need, if/when the work site needs to be evacuated, etc. This will help ensure that your project is completed on time and within budget.

On the other hand, if you're starting a construction project in the winter, there are certain things you need to consider. Make sure your crew is prepared for cold weather and has proper clothing and equipment and be sure to use materials that are rated for low temperatures, as some materials can become brittle or damaged when exposed to frost or extreme cold.

The Funding

No construction project can get done without the proper funding, so before you start, make sure you have a clear picture of your budget and timeline. You'll need to break down each stage of the process and figure out how much it will cost to complete each task. Once you have an accurate estimate of costs, you can then plan for financing or seek out additional funding.

Additionally, if you plan on applying for a loan or grant, make sure you understand all the rules and regulations surrounding those funds. Research local and state requirements thoroughly before submitting any applications to ensure that your project meets eligibility guidelines.

In Wisconsin, there are numerous resources available to help you with your project, including the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation and the Wisconsin Department of Commerce. Utilize these resources to maximize funding opportunities and get the most out of your project budget.


Make sure to have all your paperwork in order before you begin a construction project. This includes things like permits, drawings, plans, contracts, and any other relevant documents. Not only will this help ensure that the work is done legally and correctly, but it'll also protect you from potential liabilities down the line.

Keeping accurate records can also help to expedite the entire process and keep everyone on the same page.

Additionally, you should also make sure that any documents about the project are stored in a secure place and can be accessed by all relevant parties. This includes workers, clients, and inspectors, if applicable. By keeping clear records of all aspects of the project, you will ensure that everyone is on the same page and that your construction project runs smoothly.

However, make sure that your records are properly stored and maintained. You will need to have a system in place for organizing, archiving, and accessing all relevant documents as needed.

Legal Team

Construction projects can be complex and there are a lot of potential legal issues that could arise during the work, therefore it's important to have an experienced legal team on hand to handle any potential disputes or other problems that may come up. Having a lawyer who is familiar with construction laws in Wisconsin will also help ensure that all aspects of the project are above board and that you don't run afoul of any regulations.

Having a legal team on retainer or even having access to one on an as-needed basis will help to ensure the smooth running of your project and protect you from any potential liabilities or other issues.

For instance, if you're working with a contractor, make sure that you have a written contract in place to cover both parties and include legal language to protect your interests. You should also be aware of any local or state labor laws that may apply to the project, and ensure that all workers are paid properly and on time.

Inspection Services

Depending on the type of project, you may need to hire an inspector to ensure that all work is up to code and meets all requirements. Inspectors are knowledgeable about building codes and regulations and can help make sure your construction project is up to standard.

Additionally, having an inspector onsite can help to identify potential issues before they become too costly or time-consuming to fix. They are also able to provide a third-party evaluation of the work that has been done and help to ensure that all standards have been met. Inspectors are also useful when it comes to obtaining the necessary permits, as they can provide important information about the project and help to expedite the process.

However, make sure to check with local authorities to ensure that all inspectors are properly licensed and have the required qualifications.

Project Insurance

No matter how small or large your project is, it's always important to have adequate insurance, which applies both to the workers on site and the materials that are being used. Make sure you understand all of your options and select a policy that will cover any potential risks associated with the project.

For instance, having adequate project insurance will help to protect you from unforeseen costs or damages that may occur during the work and give you peace of mind that you won't be liable if anything goes wrong.

It's also a good idea to have a backup plan in place, just in case your project insurance doesn't cover all eventualities. This could include setting aside funds or having access to other sources of capital should the need arise.

Contingency Plan

Having an effective contingency plan in place is critical when it comes to ensuring the successful completion of any construction project. This plan should include steps that can be taken if something goes wrong, such as additional resources or personnel being brought in or alternate materials being used. Additionally, make sure to build in adequate time for contingencies, as this will help to prevent any costly delays or overruns should something unexpected arise.

It's also important to have a budget set aside for dealing with unexpected expenses and delays. Having this money readily available will help to ensure that you don't have to dip into other funds or sources of capital when an emergency arises.

For instance, if a piece of equipment breaks down or an unforeseen problem arises, having an emergency fund will help to keep the project on track and minimize any potential losses.

Quality and Safety Standards

You must adhere to all quality and safety standards throughout your project. This will help to ensure that the work is completed on time and meets all requirements. Make sure that all workers have been properly trained and certified in their areas of expertise and are aware of any relevant safety protocols or regulations.

Additionally, make sure that all materials used meet the necessary standards and are of the highest quality available.

Lastly, make sure to have a plan in place for dealing with any potential hazards or risks associated with the project. This should include having measures in place to address any issues that may arise as quickly as possible and ensure that all workers on site are kept safe at all times.

Therefore, by adhering to all of the above, you can ensure that your construction project runs as smoothly and successfully as possible. With a bit of planning and preparation, you'll be able to tackle any potential roadblocks and complete the job on time and within budget.