A small church exterior visualization with a sharp geometryMost Valuable Design Books Every Architect Should Read

Reading books can help you reduce stress and boost your memory. Moreover, books can help you connect with your creative side, which is one of the critical things in architecture.

Sometimes, your creativity may decrease, and you may not feel as motivated as you did before. However, there is a cure for this-reading books. If you don’t know which books to read as an architect, we present our list of top 11 books every architect should read.

Color Is Home: A Brave Guide to Designing Classic Interiors

In her book “Color Is Home: A Brave Guide to Designing Classic Interiors”, Charlotte Coote teaches us about her approaches to interior design. She states that there are some rules you need to follow when designing an interior that will bring the interior in question to the state of perfection.

Moreover, Coote writes about how important balance is in our everyday lives and that you should incorporate this balance into the interior. Her unique designs will bring you closer to your sense of creativity.

Holiday House: Ten Years of Decorating for a Cure

Another inspirational book, “Holiday House: Ten Years of Decorating for a Cure,” follows the journey of Iris Dunkner, who wanted to show people how to turn an empty space into something that tells a story, something that has a vivid atmosphere. The journey is described in detail in her book.

While working on her project, Dunkner wanted to help others as well. That is why she donates a percentage of every sale she makes to those fighting cancer. Not only is her work inspirational, but her pure heart is as well.

The Authentics: A Lush Dive into the Substance of Style

As the name suggests, “The Authentics: A Lush Dive into the Substance of Style” is a book regarding the interior designs of some of the most luxurious homes on Earth. The authors explain what makes these homes so classy and sophisticated by explaining the interior design in detail.

We highly recommend this book if you need to get inspired for your next luxurious project. It contains guides and tips that can make your interior look more expensive and elegant.

Rocky Mountain Modern: Contemporary Alpine Homes

This book, written by John Gendall, describes the modern architecture in the Rocky Mountains. You can see how you can incorporate modernism into something that might seem traditional and what effect it can leave on the users of a particular interior.

You will be able to find all the different designs used for Rocky Mountain architecture. Once you see how something modern can be so relaxing and peaceful, you will be inspired to design an interior similar to this.

Eight Homes: Clements Design

The Clements Design firm has a tradition of working with interior designs. They wanted to help other designers by writing a book about everything you need to keep in mind while working on your project.

This firm has designed homes for many influential people; their experience will get you inspired. They state that luxury is all about simplicity and comfort. However, the most important thing is to design an interior that fits your lifestyle.

Living in Color: Color in Interior Design

“Living in Color: Color in Interior Design” is a book that thoroughly explains color theory. Every color has its own purpose and effect, and the writers of this book wanted to touch upon every one of them.

You can find all the different color combinations that complement each other; you can use their color theory for your next design project. You will learn the importance of colors in the living space and will automatically change your view on colors.

Billy Cotton: Interior and Design Work

In this book, Billy Cotton shares with us all the secrets to creating a sophisticated living space. He wants us to understand the importance of being bold in our designs. Moreover, he emphasizes that you can mix past and present and that this combination can create some of the most luxurious designs.

Therefore, he touches upon the works of many great architects in history and points out the things that make their designs evergreen.

Victoria Hagan: Live Now

In her book “Live Now,” Victoria Hagan focuses on the troubles she experienced during the COVID-19 lockdown. Namely, she recognized that the space she is living in needs to breathe comfort and needs to bring peace to her mind.

In this book, you can see a detailed description of how some everyday items can affect your lifestyle. However, she asks us to wake up and create space that will make us the happiest and at ease.

The Death and Life of Great American Cities

“The Death and Life of Great American Cities,” written by Jane Jacobs, is still one of the most inspiring and authentic books on architecture. Although it was written over 60 years ago, her principles are still mentioned in many architectural works.

Namely, Jacobs was mad at the organization of the modern urban plans. She wanted to create spaces that have comfort, and that bring relaxation. However, urban society is focused on something else. To find inspiration as an architect, you should definitely read this book.

The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York

“The Power Broker” is one of the most influential books to this day. This award-winning book talks about the city of New York in the twentieth century. The writer touched upon this city’s organization and architecture and how it was in the wrong hands.

In this book, you will discover the importance of the potential of a particular space and use it to create something that will be comfortable. This critique may be one of those classics that make us think about much more than just the architecture of New York City.

Home: A Short History of an Idea

This book, by Witold Rybczynski, talks about the creation of architecture and how it changes over time. Architecture is not a new term, and more and more people are turning back to find their inspiration in the past.

If you are looking for inspiration for your next design, you should look at the history of architecture. Maybe you will get an idea about combining the past and the future and creating a new present.


Books are one of the best ways to let your mind wander and find answers to your questions. Architects should often rely on their imagination; however, imagination may sometimes fail us. That is why we have presented some of the best books about design that can be an inspiration boost for any designer.