Interior designer tips on how to brighten up your house this spring
Interior designer tips on how to brighten up your house this spring

The gloomy and dark winter season is over and in comes spring- the brightest and freshest of seasons. After many months of heavy coverage and a lot of time indoors, it is finally the time to welcome some good temperatures, late sunsets, and warm breezes. The birds are returning, flowers are in full bloom, and plants, leaves, and grass are growing. The earth is receiving a makeover with a new lease of life everywhere-literally.

While the outsides are delightful and you love spending time out there in the sunshine, you don’t have to step outside to savor what spring has to offer. You can make your home brighter and bring in the freshness of the season to your household. The good thing is that this bright season can spark a little creativity in you for some ideas to let spring into your home. It doesn’t matter if you are not an interior designer, you can still be creative and do your best. But If that’s not the case, and you need some tips from a professional, here we have 4 ideas to make your home brighter this spring.

1. Work the windows

Windows are the number one avenue to let in natural light. When you think of brightening your home, this is the first place to concentrate in. While there is little going on with the windows in the winter, spring brings in the opportunity to spring open the windows to get in some air and sunlight.

If you haven’t gotten rid of the dark and heavy window coverings of the winter, now is the perfect time to do so. Your windows will let in more light draped in lightweight curtains. Consider going for light colors as well. If you would rather use blinds, ensure that you leave them open during the day to let in light. Of course, you would need your windows to be sparkling clean if you are to leave them exposed. Take your time to clean the dirt that accumulated over the winter to make your windows brighter.

If your windows are damaged or worn out, now is the best time to do a replacement to ensure you are getting the most of them this spring season. However, if only a few parts such as the glass and moving parts are damaged, opting for replacement windows is the cheaper option. There are varieties to fit your style and budget out there, just make sure that you find the best general contractors to do this job for you.

2. Add a fresh coat of paint

Paint color is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to transform your interiors and the most useful interior designers’ tool. Painting a bright color on the walls is sure to make your home look bright and airy. If you are not up to repainting all the walls, you can consider painting a focal or accent wall with a brighter color. This is the wall that gets much attention or hits the eye when one steps into the house. Choose a color that is brighter than that of the other walls. You can never go wrong with colors such as sky blue, whites, or petal pink. Alternatively, choose a lighter shade of the current wall color. This allows you to add some brightness to your home without changing your color scheme drastically.

But before you get to the interior, how about letting your front door brighten the entryway with a pop of color. A fresh paint job on the front door allows you to update your curb appeal for spring in the easiest way. Color choices in the shades of green, red, yellow, and white will take spring refresh to the next level while making your front door the focal point for your exteriors. You could also consider partnering with Siding Columbia MO and decide on the most popular siding color for your house.

3. Add plants/fresh flowers

With fresh blooms coming to life in spring, the outsides are all cheery and bright. You can be sure that bringing in a piece of the outside to the indoors will make the interiors bright, warm, and inviting. There are many creative ways to incorporate nature into your house.

The corner next to your sofa in the living room can do great with a pot of hydrangea, peace lily, or hibiscus. You can also think of plants that do well in hanging planters such as the flowering maple. Your living room will appear vibrant with its colorful petals dangling from the ceiling or a hook on the wall. Another great idea is to hang baskets of pansies in a row on your porch to add color to your sitting space outside. Your kitchen will also brighten up with color from plants such as hyacinth, and your meal times will feel alive with a simple orchard placed on the dining table.

In addition, your interiors will smell heavenly with fragrance from fresh flowers in beautiful vases. Lilacs make a good choice when it comes to making a room smell amazing.  If you have them growing outside, cut some and bring them indoors.

Lastly, rethink your planters to include bright and vibrant spring colors. Such will go a long way in complementing your plants to give you an overall bright house.

4. Spring up the accessories

It would be lovely if you would be able to change your furniture after every season. However, since that isn’t practical considering the budgets involved, there are creative ways to spruce up your furniture to match the season. A simple way to make your furniture reflect the spring season and bring in some brightness is to use slipcovers in spring color schemes. If you don’t want to cover up your sofa, you can use decorative seat cushion covers in different colors and textures. You can also funk up your couch with brightly colored throw pillows. If you have winterized your home with heavy wooly winter rugs, consider ditching those for light sisal ones this spring to make your feet happy. Some other accessories guaranteed to brighten your home are a runner or a tablecloth for your dining table.  


Spring signifies renewal in many aspects of most people’s lives. It is only right that homes should reflect that energizing and refreshing atmosphere that spring brings about. Moreover, what better way to do this than sprucing the windows to let in light, adding a fresh coat of paint, livening the space with plants and beautiful flowers, or adding pops of color with accessories. If you have been wondering how to brighten your home for the spring, you can never go wrong with these interior designer’s suggested ideas.