Can Cloud be the Next Step for Architecture?

The internet has become the primary tool for success. Modern companies from around the world are trying to follow all the trends and to introduce the latest tech solutions into their businesses. Companies just have to choose the right tool and step toward progress.

While we’re on the subject of technology, it’s important to mention cloud computing. Thanks to this tech-driven solution, companies can gain more storage, as well as computing power, and all of that without direct management by the user.

Although cloud computing has been available for a while among data centers and related industries, during the last few years, cloud computing has affected many other branches.

That led us to the following question: “What about architecture?”

Cloud computing brings lots of advantages and the expert architects have recognized these benefits. The verdict is out – the cloud environment is architecture-friendly!

What’s COA?

A cloud-oriented architecture (COA) is a link between information technology and architecture, a conceptual model that includes all elements in a cloud-based background.

In other words, a cloud-oriented architecture is a section of the internet of things, where anything can be identified, including the global industry of architecture. In such a case, architecture refers to the structure of the data system and interacts with the things that make up that system.

However, a cloud-oriented architecture relates to the service-oriented architecture (SOA) and event-driven architecture (EDA). Moreover, it combines with the hypermedia-oriented architecture (HOA) and the resource-oriented architecture (ROA).

The combination of all the mentioned methods includes all the necessary elements, such as servers, all internet connectable devices, websites, multimedia links for video, sound, and virtual reality, as well as scripts and JSP or ASP pages, and much more.

What are the benefits of a cloud-oriented architecture?

Basically, cloud-oriented architecture enables resources that can help companies solve various problems. Referring to a bunch of components in terms of software capabilities, databases, apps, and other tools designed to support the power of cloud-based sources, companies in architecture can achieve lots of progress and benefits.

Having a cloud resources on-premise, middleware, and software components and services is the advantage by itself. Moreover, some cloud platforms give employers the option of monitoring performance, performance testing, and more.

- You can access a cloud-based service from any device connected to the internet.

- The process of implementation lasts only a few hours.

- Cloud-based services are scalable.

- A cloud-based service provider handles ordinary maintenance, updates, and upgrades.

- You can choose the required level of service.

Finally, modern companies that use cloud-based services can increase profits and reduce costs. Instead of investing in IT infrastructure, small and medium businesses in architecture can handle most of the issues using cloud-oriented architecture services.

The classification of cloud services based on a cloud location

Depending on the required levels of security and management needs, we can classify cloud-based services into four different groups.

Public Cloud

The entire computer infrastructure is established in the same location – a public cloud provided by the provider of the cloud service. Architecture studios can share their projects using a public cloud, but also gather valuable information from other users.

Private Cloud

A private cloud hosts all your data, but your computing infrastructure can’t be shared with other cloud users. Moreover, a private cloud is a safe place for storing data, and it’s even safer while using a private network.

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid cloud is a combination of private and public clouds, and you can control what data will be private and what will be shared. Simply put, you can store apps, software solutions, and critical information in a private cloud, while you can share something by choice.

Community Cloud

A community cloud is shared between companies with the same or similar goals, location, or any other common aim.

A community cloud is useful for companies that want to share all stored information with other organizations, especially when it comes to sharing small projects or 3D models suitable for further implementation.

Cloud-based services useful in architecture

As we mentioned, the primary benefit of a cloud-oriented architecture is at the same time the biggest concern of most organizations – costs. Cloud-based architecture can cut lots of costs, starting from the expenses of purchasing software for each employee, to charges for various storage devices, etc.

While choosing a tool for the improvement of your business, it can be useful only if you choose the right one. To help you select the most suitable cloud-based solution, we found five types of services that can be used in architecture.

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

IaaS provides all employees with storage devices, servers, networks, and other cloud-based services without the pay-per-user revenue model, although it’s the lowest level of cloud solution. Although users have to pay for the required services on the go, IaaS solutions can reduce the costs of capital expenditures and ownership.

The major players offering Infrastructure as a Service solution are Amazon EC2, Google, Rackspace Cloud Servers, Verizon, and IBM.

2. Development as a Service (DaaS)

DaaS implies internet-based development tools distributed across communities. This development tool is a community-shared, web-based solution that offers all the required tools for app development.

Some of the primary deployment tools and open source development provided by DaaS providers are direct reports to employees through live communication tools or collaboration tools, and on-going support and maintenance.

The major players offering Development as a Service are Safari, and Next Horizon.

3. Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS enables employees to use the software without any local installation, including the following four common approaches: single instance, multi-instance, multi-tenant, and flex tenancy.

Most of the SaaS providers are offering completely operative web-based applications on demand to clients. Besides, Software as a Service includes options such as web conferencing, email, CRM, ERP, project tracking, and time management.

Some of the crucial advantages of SaaS are rapid scalability, custom levels of services, and remote accessibility over internet connectable devices. Moreover, SaaS providers usually offer regular maintenance and support, and most importantly, SaaS eliminates infrastructure concerns.

The major players offering Software as a Service are Salesforce (subscription-based), WebEx, NetSuite, and Citrix.

4. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

PasS grants users with app platforms and databases, equal to middleware services in the non-cloud computing delivery of databases and platforms. Using PaaS, companies can develop, test their services, collaborate, and expand cloud solutions for critical applications.

Using Platform as a Service, businesses don’t have to upgrade or update infrastructure software because the PaaS provider manages all upgrades, software maintenance, and patches, as well as the hosting. Moreover, companies can cut lots of costs because they don't have to create an upfront investment in software and hardware.

The major players offering Platform as a Service are Microsoft Azure, Salesforce, Google App Engine, and Rackspace.

5. Recovery as a Service (RaaS)

Architecture studio owners’ and large companies’ biggest concern is losing data. Well, Recovery as a Service helps architecture businesses replace their backup, preventing any loss of data. RaaS enables disaster recovery, and it can protect and recover servers, including operating systems, apps, and configuration, but also data such as files and databases.

Moreover, RaaS is also related to Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), which helps modern companies to reduce the consequence of downtime if a disaster happens.

So, DaaS prevents temporary or permanent loss of valuable data, as well as loss of physical infrastructure, recovery using Recovery as a Service is faster, and it offers versatility. Moreover, the implementation of a DaaS solution is a cost-effective method of recovering data.

The major players offering Recovery as a Service are Windstream Business, Geminare, and nScaled.

The bottom line

Well, we can conclude that cloud-based services can be very useful in all industries, as well as in architecture. The implementation of cloud-based services brings lots of benefits, reduces costs, and can help you develop your business.

However, the most important step before you introduce cloud-based services in your business, you should select the most suitable solution for your company.

External hard drives are outdated, so you should find the latest tech solutions and stay ahead of the competition.

Where do you store your data? Let us know in the comments!